

Maimonides (mye-MAHN-ih-deez) listen


  • n. A Jewish philosopher and rabbi who was one of the most prolific writers of Jewish history and texts.

Example Sentences

  • "Maimonides' original text in the Arabic is even better. Its a stunning language and Maimonides is a master." (source)

Languages of Origin

  • English


  • ultimately from Hebrew בֵּן מַיְמוֹן‎ ben maymon or Arabic  اِبْن مَيْمُون‎ ibn maymūn 'son of Maymon' via Ancient Greek and Latin

    • Who Uses This

      • Religious: Jews who are engaged in religious observance and have some Jewish education


      • North America


      • The JPS Dictionary of Jewish Words, by Joyce Eisenberg and Ellen Scolnic, (Philadelphia, 2001).

      Alternative Spellings

      Moses Maimonides, Moses ben Maimon


  • Maimonides lived from 1135–1204.

    "Maimonides was born in Spain; his family fled persecution to Egypt, where he served as court physician to the sultan. He was the leader of the Jewish community of Cairo in the Middle Ages. His Guide of the Perplexed attempted to put many of the philosophies of Judaism in simple terms that the general populace could understand. His Mishneh Torah is a systematic code and compilation of Jewish law that he hoped would make it easier to observe halakhah, since Jews would not have to search the Talmud to find the reference point for each law. His Book of Commandments, a compilation of the Torah’s 613 commandments, is still one of the primary texts used by yeshivah students. His most noted work, the Thirteen Principles of Faith, contains the famous quote 'I believe with complete faith in the coming of the Messiah. Even though he may tarry I will wait for him on any day that he may come.' He is so renowned that a Jewish expression of the time compared him with the biblical hero: 'From Moses (of the Torah) to Moses (Maimonides), there is no one like Moses.'" (JPS)

    See also Maimonidean and Rambam.

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