keriat haTorah


keriat haTorah (kree-AHT hah-toh-RAH) listen


  • n. The reading from the Torah scroll on Shabbat, holidays, fast days, and on Monday and Thursday.

Example Sentences

  • "As there's a Bar Mitzvah today, there'll be quite a few uncles and cousins to call up for Kriat ha-Torah." (Glinert)

Languages of Origin

  • Textual Hebrew


  • TH קריאת התורה kriat ha-torah 'reading of the torah'

    • Who Uses This

      • Religious: Jews who are engaged in religious observance and have some Jewish education


      • North America


      • The Joys of Hebrew, by Lewis Glinert (New York, 1992).
      • Dictionary of Jewish Usage: A Popular Guide to the Use of Jewish Terms, by Sol Steinmetz (Lanham, MD, 2005).

      Alternative Spellings

      krias ha Torah, keriyas ha Torah, kerias hatorah, kriyat hatorah, kriat hatorah

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