"One day I attended a minchah minyan of a kollel (in Eretz Yisroel), and was quite shocked to see that they did a heicha kedusha." (source)
"Because it is a strongly encouraged Rabbinic practice to join "ge'ulah" (redemption, the last blessing after Shema) to "tefillah" (the Amidah) -- during Shacharit, if there is a heyche kedushah, the individual should not pause but quietly chant the first 3 blessings along with the shatz, then continue the whispered Amidah with the fourth blessing; but during Mincha, when there is no Shema section, the individual can simply participate in call and response with the shatz for the first 3 blessings, then when continuing with the whispered Amidah should start back at the beginning of the 1st blessing. (During ma'ariv there is only a whispered Amidah.)"