

bibhilu (beh-beh-LOO) listen


  • n. A poem sung at the start of the Passover seder by Moroccan Jews during which the seder plate is rotated above the head of each guest while singing the words of the poem.

Example Sentences

  • "In other words, when the seder plate is waved above our heads during Bibhilu, we are being blessed by the spiritual strength of the Divine, as represented by the sefirot, or attributes of God." (source)

Languages of Origin

  • Aramaic


  • בבהילו, lit. 'in haste'; the first word of the poem

    • Who Uses This

      • Sephardim: Jews with Sephardi or Mizrahi heritage


      • North America


      • None

      Alternative Spellings

      bibilu, bebelo, bibilo, bebelu

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