Isaac ben Solomon Luria


  • n. A Jerusalem-born kabbalist, also known as ha-Ari, “the (sacred) lion.”

Example Sentences

  • "In the Kabbalistic tradition of Judaism, Isaac ben Solomon Luria advanced the theory that God had created the world by limiting himself, by withdrawing from a certain area of existence." (source)

Languages of Origin

  • Textual Hebrew


  • יִצְחָק בן שלמה לוּרְיָא אשכנזי

    • Who Uses This

      • Religious: Jews who are engaged in religious observance and have some Jewish education


      • North America


      • The JPS Dictionary of Jewish Words, by Joyce Eisenberg and Ellen Scolnic, (Philadelphia, 2001).

      Alternative Spellings

      Luria, ha-Ari, ha'Ari, haAri, ha Ari


  • Luria lived from 1534-1572.

    "In 1570 Luria settled in Safed, Palestine, where he led an important school of mysticism and taught disciples his unique kabbalistic system, which came to be known as Lurianic Kabbalah. His concepts of repairing the world (tikun olam) and identifying with the Divine spirit through intense concentration (kavanah) were influential on the Hasidic movement." (JPS)

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