adv. Deeply.
adj. Deep.
Example Sentences
“He didn't want to go too vait into the zaitike sugya, since Tosfos only brought it down as a raya to be mechazek his ikar chidush.” (Weiser)
"The maharit you quote is completely סותר a different teshuva in maharit and what he writes in the Teshuva you are quoting is so vait that R Moshe says it was a talmid “טועה ומטעה” who wrote that teshuva." (source)
Languages of Origin
- Yiddish
װײַט vayt
- Orthodox: Jews who identify as Orthodox and observe halacha (Jewish law)
- North America
- Frumspeak: The First Dictionary of Yeshivish, by Chaim Weiser (Northvale, 1995).
Who Uses This
Alternative Spellings
vayt, veit, veyt
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