
  • n. A noise, racket, commotion, confusion.

  • v. To argue.

Example Sentences

  • “He can drive a person crazy; everywhere he goes he creates tuml.” (NJY)

  • "When Engelmayer bought the legendary bialy bakery here, an askan made a tummel to Hisachdus that it's a bizayon to them to certify a shvantz & apikoires like Engelmayer." (source)

  • “There was a big tumul when those two goyim broke into the Beis Medrash.” (Weiser)

  • “They tumuled about why the Rosh Yeshiva wasn't by shachris, but he had just overslept.” (Weiser)

Languages of Origin

  • Yiddish


  • טומל tuml

    • Who Uses This

      • Older: Jews who are middle-aged and older
      • Ashkenazim: Jews with Ashkenazi heritage


      • North America


      • Yiddish and English: A Century of Yiddish in America, by Sol Steinmetz (Tuscaloosa, 1986).
      • The New Joys of Yiddish, by Leo Rosten and Lawrence Bush (New York, 2003[1968]).
      • Frumspeak: The First Dictionary of Yeshivish, by Chaim Weiser (Northvale, 1995).

      Alternative Spellings

      tummel, tuml, tumul, tummul


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