l'shana habaa beyerushalayim
l'shana habaa beyerushalayim | (leh-shah-NAH hah-bah-AH beh-yeh-roo-shah-LAH-yeem) | listen |
interj. 'Next year in Jerusalem!'; traditionally said at the end of Passover seders and Yom Kippur.
Example Sentences
"Do [Jews] in Eretz Yisroel on Yom Kippur and Pesach say L’shana Haba’ah B’Yerushalayim?" (source)
Languages of Origin
- Textual Hebrew
לשנה הבאה בירושלים l'shana ha-ba'a be-yerushalayim 'to next year in Jerusalem'
- Religious: Jews who are engaged in religious observance and have some Jewish education
- North America
- The Joys of Hebrew, by Lewis Glinert (New York, 1992).
Who Uses This
Alternative Spellings
leshana ha-baa beyerushalayim, leshana habaa byerushalayim, l'shana haba beyerushalayim
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