gezunte tzoris


gezunte tzoris (geh-ZUHN-teh TSOR-es) listen
gezunte tzoris (geh-ZIHN-teh TSOOR-es) listen


  • pl. n. Problems that one is lucky to have (usually troubles that arise from too much of a good thing).

Example Sentences

  • "Gezunte tzoris or not, I'll need to knock down a wall to make room for all of my trophies."

Languages of Origin

  • Textual Hebrew
  • Yiddish


  • געזונטע צרות gezunte tzores 'healthy troubles'

    • Who Uses This

      • Ashkenazim: Jews with Ashkenazi heritage


      • North America


      • None

      Alternative Spellings

      gezunte tzurris, gezunte tzuris, gezunte tzorris, gezunte tsuris, gezunte tsurris, gezunte tsoris, g... ezunte tsorris, gezinte tzuris, gezinte tzurris, gezinte tzoris, gezinte tzorris, gezinte tsuris, gezinte tsurris, gezinte tsoris, gezinte tsorris, gezunte tzures, gezunte tzurres, gezunte tzores, gezunte tzorres, gezunte tsures, gezunte tsurres, gezunte tsores, gezunte tsorres, gezinte tzures, gezinte tzurres, gezinte tzores, gezinte tzorres, gezinte tsures, gezinte tsurres, gezinte tsores, gezinte tsorres, gezunte tsores  Show more >


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