in a gite shu
in a gite shu | (IHN uh GIH-tuh SHOO) | listen |
adv. With good luck.
interj. Good luck.
interj. Congratulations.
Example Sentences
"May you make your decision in a gite shu!"
"Has Sue gone into labor? Well, be-sha'a tova..." (Glinert)
Languages of Origin
- Yiddish
אין אַ גוטע שעה/שאָ in a gute sho 'in a good hour'
- Older: Jews who are middle-aged and older
- Ashkenazim: Jews with Ashkenazi heritage
- North America
- None
Who Uses This
Alternative Spellings
in a gita sho, in a gita shu, in a gite sho, in a guta sho, in a guta shu, in a gute sho, in a gute shu, in a guter sho, in a guter shu, in a giter sho, in a giter shu
See also b'sha'ah tovah.
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