chatan torah


chatan torah (CHAH-tuhn TOE-ruh) listen
chatan torah (chah-TAHN toh-RAH) listen


  • n. The honor on Simchat Torah of being called up to the Torah for the penultimate reading which contains the last lines of the Torah.

Example Sentences

  • "I hope you can come along to the synagogue this Simchat Torah—my father's going to be the Chatan Torah." (Glinert)

  • "The Knesset Hagdola writes that the custom of selling the Chatan Torah was cancelled. Instead, the Chatan Torah is chosen from the leaders of the congregation, because it is only fitting that someone who is great in Torah should be chosen as Chatan Torah." (source)

  • "Is an avel within 12 months of a parent’s death allowed to be the chatan Torah on Simchat Torah?" (source)

  • "The Torah is completed during the aliya of the 'Chatan Torah,' and then begun anew during the aliya of the 'Chatan Bereishit.'" (source)

  • "As the story goes, the congregation selected the town fool to receive the high honor of being the chatan torah – the groom of the Torah." (source)

Languages of Origin

  • Textual Hebrew


  • חתן תורה chatan tora, lit. 'bridegroom of the Torah'

    • Who Uses This

      • Religious: Jews who are engaged in religious observance and have some Jewish education
      • Orthodox: Jews who identify as Orthodox and observe halacha (Jewish law)
      • Organizations: People involved in a professional or volunteer capacity with Jewish nonprofit organizations


      • North America
      • Australia / New Zealand
      • Great Britain
      • South Africa


      • The Joys of Hebrew, by Lewis Glinert (New York, 1992).

      Alternative Spellings

      khossn tohra, khossn toyra, khossn tora, khossn tohrah, khossn toyrah, khossn torah, khosn toyre, khosn tore, khosn tohra, khosn toyra, khosn tora, khosn tohrah, khosn toyrah, khosn torah, chosson toyre, chosson tore, chosson tohra, chosson toyra, chosson tora, chosson tohrah, chosson toyrah, chosson torah, choson toyre, choson tore, choson tohra, choson toyra, choson tora, choson tohrah, choson toyrah, choson torah, chossn toyre, chossn tore, chossn tohra, chossn toyra, chossn tora, chossn tohrah, chossn toyrah, chossn torah, chosn tore, chosn tohra, chosn toyra, chosn tora, chosn tohrah, chosn toyrah, chosn torah, chossen toyre, chossen tore, chossen tohra, chossen toyra, chossen tora, chossen tohrah, chossen toyrah, chossen torah, chosen toyre, chosen tore, chosen tohra, chosen toyra, chosen tora, chosen tohrah, chosen toyrah, chosen torah, chossan toyre, chossan tore, chossan tohra, chossan toyra, chossan tora, chossan tohrah, chossan toyrah, chossan torah, chosan toyre, chosan tore, chosan tohra, chosan toyra, chosan tora, chosan tohrah, chosan toyrah, chosan torah, chassan toyre, chassan tore, chassan tohra, chassan toyra, chassan tora, chassan tohrah, chassan toyrah, chassan torah, chasan toyre, chasan tore, chasan tohra, chasan toyra, chasan tora, chasan tohrah, chasan toyrah, chasan torah, chattan tora, chattan tohra, chattan tohrah, chattan torah, chatan tora, chatan tohra, chatan tohrah, khossn tore, khossn toyre, khossn tohre, khosn tohre, chosson tohre, choson tohre, chossn tohre, chosn tohre, chossen tohre, chosen tohre, chossan tohre, chosan tohre, chassan tohre, chasan tohre


  • In some more-liberal communities, a feminine term kallat torah 'bride of the Torah' can be used.

    See also chatan bereshit.

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