LWMO | (LWMO) | listen |
n., adj. 'Left wing Modern Orthodox'; the liberal wing of Modern Orthodoxy, in both attitude and observance.
Example Sentences
Languages of Origin
- English
Who Uses This
- Orthodox: Jews who identify as Orthodox and observe halacha (Jewish law)
- North America
- None
Alternative Spellings
Left-wing Modern Orthodox
Observes Shabbat, Kashrut in principle, but may be less stringent in application.
Only a positive phrase when used by self-identified LWMO.
LWMO Jews have more active social lives; mix with non-Orthodox and non-Jews easily; and, in theological terms, may be identified with a more academic (and therefore skeptical) and - especially - non-fundamentalist attitude to Torah.
Now increasingly identified with women's rights and egalitarian movements within Orthodoxy.
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