"If you're going to sort yourself out, Gary, you'll need to do a thorough cheshbon ha-nefesh" (Glinert)
"We understand that it is difficult to focus on our Heshbon Hanefesh with so many aspects of our lives pulling us in so many directions." (source)
"This year, we suggest that you use the questions below to guide your own heshbon hanefesh." (source)
"Why isn't it undermined by the choshesh and the types of tauiyuos of choshech that the Ramchal spoke of earlier? Ramchal says that the cheshbon hanefesh requires hisbonenus during a period of hisbodedus. A period of deep reflection and solitude." (source)
"The practice of cheshbon hanefesh is not one that is limited to our own soul searching. As congregational leaders and board members, you also have the opportunity to perform a collective cheshbon hanefesh." (source)
"As the new school year and Rosh Hashana coincide so closely this year, I’ve been thinking a lot about cheshbon nefesh." (source)