"Kavayachol, Hashem feels the pain of every Jew who suffers." (Weiser)
"Only difference is that your chances for success, are alot in your hands, and in HaShems Kavyochel, hands." (source)
"But now thanks to this project, we have so to speak incentivized Kavyachol to make even more shidduchim because He sees all of Klall Yisroel voluntarily getting involved" (source)
"In Yiddish the expression evolved into kavyokhl, and can be used as noun, in place of God's name like hashem: you can say 'hot kavyokhl gezogt' for 'God said.'" (source)
"and this is how the kavyochel instituted the domem is food for the tzomeach the tzomeach for the chai and the chai for the (highest) the medaber" (source)
"The Gemora says the Shechinah grows when a Jew is born, which means it 'shrinks', kavyochel, from the world, when one goes away." (source)
"We are suggesting that the 3 weeks of mourning, are parallel to the 3 roars that Hashem roars kevyochel every night 3 times like a lion, expressing his pain on the destruction of the Beis hamikdosh!" (source)