b'shalom | (be-SHAH-lohm) | listen |
adv. "In peace" (used to sign off in written correspondence).
Example Sentences
End of an email: "B'shalom, Rebecca"
Languages of Origin
- Textual Hebrew
- English
בשלום Heb. lit. 'in peace,' calque of English phrase
- Organizations: People involved in a professional or volunteer capacity with Jewish nonprofit organizations
- North America
- Australia / New Zealand
- South Africa
- None
Who Uses This
Alternative Spellings
More common among non-Orthodox religious Jews. Some people criticize this form for being incorrect Hebrew or referring to death and prefer "L'shalom." The Talmud (Brakhot 64a) notes that one should say "lech l'shalom" (to peace) and not "lech b'shalom" (in peace) based on Scriptual inferences from David and Jethro. At a funeral service, the phrase lech b'shalom (go in peace) is used. As one reader wrote in, "B'shalom is expressed only to someone who has died or whom you don't want to see again. The proper term for good wishes to a person who is alive is L'shalom."
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