oyf simkhes


oyf simkhes (oyf SIHM-khehs) listen


  • interj. A farewell said at sad occasions, expressing the desire that the future times of meeting will be for happier occasions.

  • n. Happy occasions.

Example Sentences

  • "They should see lots and lots of naches together un oyf simches by you." (source)

  • "Oyf simches Michael, mere mortal death can’t kill a man like Yasha, whose power is eternal through memories of him that you’ve helped to share." (source)

Languages of Origin

  • Textual Hebrew
  • Yiddish


  • Y אױף שׂימחות oyf simkhes, lit. '(may we always meet) on joyous occasions'

    • Who Uses This

      • Jews: Jews of diverse religious backgrounds and organizational involvements


      • North America


      • None

      Alternative Spellings

      af simkhes, oyf simchas, af simchas, oyf simches, af simches


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