sheluchey mitzvah enam nizokim


sheluchey mitzvah enam nizokim (sheh-loo-KHEY meets-VAH eh-NAHM nee-zoh-KEEM) listen


  • sent. 'Someone pursuing a mitzvah comes to no harm'; said when giving money for charity to someone who is embarking on a trip so that the person is kept safe on their journey.

Example Sentences

  • "Here, give this to charity when you get to Amsterdam—sheluchey mitzvah enam nizokim."

Languages of Origin

  • Textual Hebrew


  • שלוחי מצוה אינן ניזוקין

    • Who Uses This

      • Religious: Jews who are engaged in religious observance and have some Jewish education


      • North America


      • The Joys of Hebrew, by Lewis Glinert (New York, 1992).

      Alternative Spellings

      sheluchay mitzvah enam nizokim, sheluchei mitzvah enam nizokim, sheluchai mitzvah enam nizokim, shelukhey mitzvah enam nizokim, shelukhay mitzvah enam nizokim, shelukhei mitzvah enam nizokim, shelukhai mitzvah enam nizokim, shelukhai mitsvah enam nizokim, sheluchey mitsvah enam nizokim, sheluchay mitsvah enam nizokim, sheluchei mitsvah enam nizokim, sheluchai mitsvah enam nizokim, shelukhey mitsvah enam nizokim, shelukhay mitsvah enam nizokim, shelukhei mitsvah enam nizokim, shelukhei mitsva enam nizokim, shelukhay mitsva enam nizokim, shelukhey mitsva enam nizokim, sheluchai mitsva enam nizokim, shelukhai mitsva enam nizokim, sheluchey mitsva enam nizokim, sheluchay mitsva enam nizokim, shelukhai mitsva enam nizokim, sheluchey mitzva enam nizokim, sheluchay mitzva enam nizokim, sheluchei mitzva enam nizokim, sheluchai mitzva enam nizokim, shelukhey mitzva enam nizokim, shelukhay mitzva enam nizokim, shelukhei mitzva enam nizokim, shelukhai mitsva enam nizokim


  • "There is a widespread Jewish folk custom to give a coin to someone setting out on a long journey, for it to be given on arrival to tsedaka (charity). By making that person a token sheluach mitzvah (agent for a mitzvah), folk hope to merit the maxim shelnchey mitzvah enam nizokim—God looks after those engaged on a righteous mission. This Talmudic proverb is still said when someone sets out on one." (Glinert)

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