
  • n. A matter of necessity.

  • n. A victim of circumstances.

Example Sentences

  • “I had to catch a flight, so davening without a minyan was an oines.” (Weiser)

  • “I was an oines and had to daven in the airport without a minyan.” (Weiser)

  • "I know a lady whose rav told her to light extra for when she missed for a pure oines." (source)

Languages of Origin

  • Textual Hebrew
  • Yiddish


  • TH אונס 'coercion' > Y אונס oynes

    • Who Uses This

      • Orthodox: Jews who identify as Orthodox and observe halacha (Jewish law)


      • North America


      • Frumspeak: The First Dictionary of Yeshivish, by Chaim Weiser (Northvale, 1995).

      Alternative Spellings


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