
  • n. A journey between two faraway locations in a miraculously brief period of time.

  • n. A surprisingly quick journey

Example Sentences

  • "Chazal tell us that unlike other tzadikim, who experienced kefitzas haderech in the form of a miraculous increase in speed, Yaakov’s kefitzas haderech manifested itself as the makom hamikdash traveling to Yaakov." (source)

  • "The GPS says we'll be there at 1:24pm. That's literally kefitzas haderech!"

Languages of Origin

  • Textual Hebrew


  • TH קפיצת דרך jump of the way 'short trip'

    • Who Uses This

      • Orthodox: Jews who identify as Orthodox and observe halacha (Jewish law)


      • North America


      • None

      Alternative Spellings

      kefitzas haderech, k'fitzat haderech, kefitzat haderech, k'fitzas hadderech, kefitzas hadderech, k'fitzat hadderech, kefitzat hadderech

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