be-siyata di-shmaya
n. With the help of God; sometimes written in abbreviation at the tops of pages or signs.
Example Sentences
"Stop worrying! Be-siyata di-shmaya you'll be able to sell the house." (Glinert)
Besiyata dishmaya we will be blessed with another child soon.
Languages of Origin
- Textual Hebrew
- Aramaic
A בסיעתא דשמייא 'with the help of Heaven' > TH בסיעתא דשמיא
- Orthodox: Jews who identify as Orthodox and observe halacha (Jewish law)
- Sephardim: Jews with Sephardi or Mizrahi heritage
- North America
- The Joys of Hebrew, by Lewis Glinert (New York, 1992).
Who Uses This
Alternative Spellings
be'siyata di'shmaya, besiyata dishmaya
Used mostly among Sepharadim, except for Ashkenazi Ultra-Orthodox, who use it mostly in acronym form (בס"ד) written at the tops of pages or signs.
See also siyata dishmaya.
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