Aseret Y'mei Teshuvah


Aseret Y'mei Teshuvah (ah-SEH-reht ye-MAY tshoo-VAH) listen
Aseret Y'mei Teshuvah (ah-SEH-reht ye-MAY te-SHOO-vuh) listen


Example Sentences

  • "Daniel, don't forget to add the extra bits to the prayers for the Aserey yemey teshuva." (Glinert)

    Listen to recordings of this sentence: ( Recording 1)
  • "Right now, we are in the period between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, formally referred to as 'Aseret Yemei Teshuva,' or 'The Ten Days of Repentance.'" (source)

  • "As a means to teach our children the importance of the Aseret Y’Mei Teshuvah and how one can improve one’s character traits, a large model of the Moznei Tzedek (Scales of Justice) was placed in RYNJ’s main hallway." (source)

  • "However, Shulhan Arukh (Orah Hayyim 603:1) records the widespread practice that during the aseret yemei teshuvah, one should be especially stringent to consume only pat yisra’el." (source)

  • "This approach yields two very different focuses for the aseret yemei teshuvah. Penei Yehoshua has a forward-looking aseret yemei teshuvah, focused on building up as many merits as we can in order to be worthy on Yom Kippur. Rambam, on the other hand, has a backward-looking aseret yemei teshuvah, focused on introspection and repairing our mistakes from the previous year." (source)

Languages of Origin

  • Textual Hebrew


  • עשרת ימי תשובה aseret yeme tshuva 'ten days of repentance'

    • Who Uses This

      • Religious: Jews who are engaged in religious observance and have some Jewish education
      • Orthodox: Jews who identify as Orthodox and observe halacha (Jewish law)
      • Organizations: People involved in a professional or volunteer capacity with Jewish nonprofit organizations


      • North America
      • Australia / New Zealand
      • Great Britain
      • South Africa


      • The Joys of Hebrew, by Lewis Glinert (New York, 1992).

      Alternative Spellings

      aseret yemei teshuva, aseres yemei teshuva, aseret y'mei teshuva, aseres y'mei teshuva, aseret yemey teshuva, aseres yemey teshuva, aseret y'mey teshuva, aseres y'mey teshuva, aseret yemay teshuva, aseres yemay teshuva, aseret y'may teshuva, aseres y'may teshuva, aseret yemei tshuva, aseres yemei tshuva, aseret y'mei tshuva, aseres y'mei tshuva, aseret yemey tshuva, aseres yemey tshuva, aseret y'mey tshuva, aseres y'mey tshuva, aseret yemay tshuva, aseres yemay tshuva, aseret y'may tshuva, aseres y'may tshuva, aseret yemei t'shuva, aseres yemei t'shuva, aseret y'mei t'shuva, aseres y'mei t'shuva, aseret yemey t'shuva, aseres yemey t'shuva, aseret y'mey t'shuva, aseres y'mey t'shuva, aseret yemay t'shuva, aseres yemay t'shuva, aseret y'may t'shuva, aseres y'may t'shuva, aseret yemei teshuvah, aseres yemei teshuvah, aseres y'mei teshuvah, aseret yemey teshuvah, aseres yemey teshuvah, aseret y'mey teshuvah, aseres y'mey teshuvah, aseret yemay teshuvah, aseres yemay teshuvah, aseret y'may teshuvah, aseres y'may teshuvah, aseret yemei tshuvah, aseres yemei tshuvah, aseret y'mei tshuvah, aseres y'mei tshuvah, aseret yemey tshuvah, aseres yemey tshuvah, aseret y'mey tshuvah, aseres y'mey tshuvah, aseret yemay tshuvah, aseres yemay tshuvah, aseret y'may tshuvah, aseres y'may tshuvah, aseret yemei t'shuvah, aseres yemei t'shuvah, aseret y'mei t'shuvah, aseres y'mei t'shuvah, aseret yemey t'shuvah, aseres yemey t'shuvah, aseret y'mey t'shuvah, aseres y'mey t'shuvah, aseret yemay t'shuvah, aseres yemay t'shuvah, aseret y'may t'shuvah, aseres y'may t'shuvah, aseres y'mei teshuvoh, aseres yemei teshuvoh, aseres y'mei t'shuvoh, aseres yemei t'shuvoh, aseres y'mei teshuvo, aseres yemei teshuvo, aseres y'mei t'shuvo, aseres yemei t'shuvo, aseres ymey tshuve, aseres ymey tshuvo, aseres yemey tshuve, aseres yemey tshuvo, aseret yeme tshuva, aseret yeme teshuva


  • There is a line in the High Holiday liturgy reading, "On Rosh HaShanah it is written, and on the fast of Yom Kippur it is sealed," meaning that God's decree of life or death for the coming year is written on Rosh HaShanah, but God can be persuaded during the ten days until Yom Kippur, since, as the prayer continues, "but repentance, and prayer, and charity can change over the evilness of the decree." Thus, many Jews have a custom to reflect more deeply during these days, ask forgiveness of others, and/or be more stringent about certain ritual practices.

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