shalom uvrachah
shalom uvrachah | (shah-LOHM oov-rah-CHAH) | listen |
interj. "Peace and blessing!"
Example Sentences
"Shalom uvracha to our new congregants."
Languages of Origin
- Textual Hebrew
שלום וברכה shalom uvrakha 'peace and blessing'
- Religious: Jews who are engaged in religious observance and have some Jewish education
- Israel: Diaspora Jews who feel connected to Israel and have spent time there
- North America
- Australia / New Zealand
- South Africa
- Dictionary of Jewish Usage: A Popular Guide to the Use of Jewish Terms, by Sol Steinmetz (Lanham, MD, 2005).
Who Uses This
Alternative Spellings
shalom uverachah, shalom uveracha, shalom uvracha, shalom uvrakhah, shalom uverakha, shalom uverakhah, shalom uvrakha, shalom uv'racha, shalom uv'rachah, shalom uv'rakha, shalom uv'rakhah, shalom uviracha, shalom uvirachah, shalom uvirakha, shalom uvirakhah
See also shalom.
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