munchos i buenos
munchos i buenos | (MOON-chose ee BWEH-nose) | listen |
interj. Many good ones (with good health); a wish said on a birthday, anniversary, or other happy occasion.
Example Sentences
"Today is my anniversary!" "Munchos y buenos con salud buena [with good health]!"
Languages of Origin
- Ladino
Ladino, originally from Castillian (Spanish) of Latin origin: MULTUS BONUS
- Sephardim: Jews with Sephardi or Mizrahi heritage
- North America
- None
Who Uses This
Alternative Spellings
muchos y buenos, munchos y bwenos
Gender dependent:
F: munchas y buenas
M: munchos y buenos
Often used in the expression "AƱos/Anyos munchos y buenos" (many and good years), said on birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions. The phrase "con salud buena" (with good health) is often appended to this phrase.
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