"I used to mark the bechinos in Rabbi Soloveitchik’s class for a couple of years – Rabbi Soloveitchik asked me to – and [I remember one test on which] one guy got an 8 and seven guys got 100. The guy who got the 8 – a big k’nocker – tells me what Rabbi Soloveitchik said. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about." (source)
"Two Jewish k’nockers, approaching Honolulu, got into an argument about the correct pronunciation of Hawaii: one was sure it was 'Hawaii,' the other positive it was 'Havaii.' They made a bet. When they got off the plane, they hurried over to the first native they saw and said, 'Aloha! How do you pronounce the name of this island: Hawaii or Havaii?' 'Havaii,' said the native. 'Thank you.' 'You’re velcome,' said the native.' (NJY)