"I pray for the coming of Moshiach and the rebuilding of the Beysamigdesh, bimheiro v’yomeinu."
"If we do that, if we determine to do our best, then G-d has told us that He will do His best and we will bring the ge’ulah bimheirah veyamenu, amen." (source)
"May we all try extra hard to emulate these positive attributes and make them an important aspect of our world so that we may merit to offer up karbanot to Hashem, bimhera veyameinu; by offering up not just animals but by bringing our whole self to Hashem, and by being a complete giver for the purpose of serving Hashem and bringing His presence into the world with our full existence." (source)
"Only by true Ahavat Yisrael will we be zoche to see Mashiach bimhera veyameinu. LOVE ALL JEWS!!!!!!!" (source)
"Enjoy and may we all be Zoche to see Mashiach Tzidkeinu Bimheira Veyameinu!" (source)
"May we, and all Israel, and all humanity, be blessed with peace and justice and reconciliation bimheyrah veyameinu/ speedily in our days." (source)